Napa Valley Ragnar 2015

The 2015 Fat Boy Racing Team

When I agreed to be a part of the Fat Boy Racing Napa Valley Ragnar team, I was coming off the high of the Wasatch Back Ragnar Relay.  As the Napa Valley race drew closer, I was admittedly apprehensive.  Trying to find help to pick kids up from school, logistics of getting to San Francisco, dreading an even deeper lack of sleep than I normally get- all of these factors seemed to be pulling me away from running.

But I didn't want to be that girl pulling out of the race with only days to find a replacement.  Plus, my goal this past year has been to see as much of this beautiful world on foot as possible.

I'm so glad I said yes.

Click on the link below to read what made this relay such a great one for me.
