Getting Older, Getting Wiser?

Birthdays should ALWAYS be cause for celebration, not lamentation!  Eat cake!

There was a time when I really cared about fitting in.  I cared about liking the right things and discounting the wrong.  I wore clothes others thought looked great even if I felt like a clown parading around like a queen.  Those days are long gone.  I'm older, and hopefully a little wiser.  With age comes experience and the experiences I've had the last year have opened my eyes to a whole new world- a world in which my contributions matter more than my size.  My relationships matter more than my weight.  My creative output matters more than my race times.  I've taken a step back the last twelve moths and reevaluated my trajectory and come to the conclusion that life is short.  We should make it matter.  I can enjoy the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills and still be the intelligent woman who can debate the merits of a political candidate.

Click on the link below to read more.
