Title: [★SHOT!] Blackpink Jennie, coming to cheer on 'Inkigayo' MC Jisoo
Source: Naver
Date posted: February 21, 2017
1.) [+687][-24] Jisoo and Jennie are pretty
2.) [+483][-18] Supporting Blackpink
3.) [+432][-21] Pretty kids ❤❤❤
4.) [+424][-20] 2-shots of Jendeuk and Jisoo are always pretty
5.) [+337][-21] Seriously pretty ㅠㅠ
6.) [+160][-10] Fckng pretty..look at their bodies...
7.) [+142][-13] They even matched the colors, black and pink ㅎㅎ
8.) [+130][-12] The way Jisoo is crouching looks so cute ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
9.) [+114][-10] Definitely Jennie...she gives off the girl crush vibes befitting of Blackpink
10.) [+133][-19] Seriously, Blackpink definitely feel like celebrities. Other newer idols seem pretty bland but Blackpink ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ simply celebrities
11.) [+94][-9] This article has finally made it to the main page~ One day manager, Jenniger~ This is so nice to see~
12.) [+87][-8] CEO YG probably feels filled without needing to eat
13.) [+74][-4] Jennie and Jisoo are both pretty ㅠㅠㅠ
14.) [+87][-9] Aren't they both so pretty ㅠㅠㅠ Seriously crazy ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
15.) [+72][-4] They're both pretty
16.) [+77][-7] All of Blackpink are pretty. I wish they'd hurry and come back
17.) [+73][-6] Look at Jendeuk's swag ㅎㅎㅎ
18.) [+74][-10] Aw so pretty ㅠㅠㅠㅠ ❤❤❤
19.) [+52][-3] This is so nice to see ㅎㅎ Looks like they matched their outfits to be 'black' and 'pink' ㅎㅎ Supporting Blackpink
20.) [+43][-0] They're both so pretty ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
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